Physical Health

If you are feeling unwell there are health services which will help you. If you're unsure of where to go for help, start with calling 111 which is the NHS (National Health Service) helpline or go online at

Call 111

Call 111 if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. They can:

Find out what local service can help you
Be connected to a nurse, emergency dentist, pharmacist or GP (doctor)
Get a face-to-face appointment if you need one
Be given an arrival time if you need to go to Accident & Emergency at the hospital
Be told how to get any medicine you need
Get self-care advice

As a refugee you are entitled to free health services provided by the NHS if you are living in Great Britain.

Doctor (GP)

It is important to register with a local doctor, known as a General Practitioner (GP) and they are based at your local health centre. If you need an interpreter you can tell the receptionist when you make an appointment. The staff will book an interpreter or get an interpreter on the phone.


The Accident and Emergency (A&E) department at your local hospital is for life threatening emergencies. 

Your local hospital is:

Worthing Hospital
Lyndhurst Road
BN11 2DH
01903 205111

It is important the hospital knows you have refugee status so that you do not get charged for any part of your hospital stay and treatment.


Your GP may prescribe medicines. Take your prescription to the pharmacy or chemist. The pharmacist can also give free advice on treating minor health problems such as colds and coughs. 

Specialist services

If you need specialist services, your GP will refer you and there is usually a waiting time. It is important that your doctor knows that you have refugee status (or Humanitarian Protection) so that you do not get charged for any part of your hospital stay and treatment.

Paying for services and medication

Although treatment on the NHS is free at the point of delivery, prescriptions, dental treatment, sight tests and some other services are not free to everyone in some parts of the UK, so it is important to check what your entitlement is. People on low incomes can sometimes get financial help.

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